Ankle and Foot Injuries at Work

Sometimes accidents and injuries can compromise our ability to fulfill our work obligations and potentially prevent us from attending our job at all. If this happens, you may find yourself and your family forced into financial hardship – a situation which may seem very unfair, particularly if the injury you have sustained is through no fault of your own.
Fortunately, if your injury is the direct result of an incident that has happened during your routine work activities, you may be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. These are paid out to eligible employees to help cover the cost of their medical treatment and any rehabilitation services that might be required. They can also help to cover lost wages and compensate you for any emotional trauma.
If you have experienced an injury in your workplace, our dedicated and experienced worker’s compensation attorney, Juan Lucas Alvarez, P.A., can support you in making your claim.
How are ankles and feet injured in the workplace?
Ankles and feet are complex structures, made up of many different bones, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. All of these elements of our anatomy are essential to enable us to bear weight, balance and walk.
Unfortunately, when it comes to workplace accidents, the ankles and feet are some of the most commonly injured. Sometimes injuries to this area occur suddenly, while in other cases they may build up over a period of weeks, months or even years.
Regardless of how and when they occur, injuries to this part of your body can be devastating, as they affect your ability to stand, walk, and move around – a disability which will have just as much of an effect on your life outside of work.
There are a variety of different ways in which feet and ankles can be injured in the workplace. While foot injuries tend to nearly always be the result of being crushed by something that has fallen on to it, other common reasons why workers suffer from foot or ankle injuries include:
- Slips, trips and falls
- Falling from height
- Becoming trapped between two objects, such as machinery or between a vehicle and a wall
- Repetitive movements, such as using a pedal
- Overexertion
- Standing or walking for prolonged periods
- Standing on an object that is sharp
- Standing on something that is broken and collapses under your feet
- Being affected by contact with a hazardous chemical
These occurrences result in a number of common injuries such as:
- Repetitive strain injury
- Bone damage: usually fractures or bruising
- Puncture wounds
- Straining or spraining the joints and/or ligaments
- Damage to the cartilage
- Tendonitis
- Chemical burns
- Toe or total foot amputation
While your employer should take adequate steps to ensure that you have all of the correct safety equipment supplied, such as steel toe cap boots, and the environment that you work in is low-risk, accidents can still happen. Certain job sites, such as warehouses, construction sites, and grocery stores present an even greater risk of such an injury occurring.
Get professional support for your worker’s compensation claim
Filing any sort of compensation claim can be a complicated and stressful process. Not only do you need to show that you have been injured in the course of your regular employment, you also need to be able to prove that your employer was negligent in their duty of care to you.
Fortunately, our professional and dedicated worker’s compensation attorneys have the experience to understand what is needed to build a successful worker’s compensation case and can help you achieve the financial settlement that you are entitled.
Please contact the Law Office of Juan Lucas Alvarez, PA in Miami, FL today to schedule your no-obligation consultation at 305-442-7375.